• Partnerschaft zwischen SNOW PEARL und SWISS TRIATHLON

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    Partnerschaft zwischen SNOW PEARL und SWISS TRIATHLON
    «Triathlon ist eine der populärsten, beliebtesten und erfolgreichsten Sportarten in der Schweiz. Deshalb haben wir uns entschlossen, die Athleten von Swiss Triathlon zu unterstützen, indem wir Ihnen bei der Erhaltung Ihrer Mundgesundheit helfen», sagt Dr. med dent Lorenza Dahm, Inhaberin von Snow Pearl. Viele wissenschaftliche Studien haben mit Klarheit bewiesen, dass Hochleistungssportler schlechtere Zähne haben. Die Gründe dafür liegen nicht zuletzt bei den Veränderungen im...
  • Bad Teeth due to High-Performance sports ?

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    Bad Teeth due to High-Performance sports ?
    Unfortunately, a reality! High-performance athletes suffer more than other persons from oral hygiene and dental problems!  This has already been mentioned in a publication in the British Journal of Sports Medicine (2014; doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2014-093804).   At the London Olympics in 2014, toothache was one of the most common health problems for athletes. Even 30% of medical consultations during the games were for toothaches: the second...
  • Dilemma Toothbrush?

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    Dilemma Toothbrush?
    We all love that Holliwood smile, don't we? A bright smile gives us the confidence that we need. You never know, that confidence just may prove to impress that one person we have had a crush on since forever. Or it may help us to ace that all important interview to land our dream job. Simply put, a confident smile can change our personal...
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